Transdisciplinary designer
researcher • futurist • artist

Co-creating interventions for social transformation and expanding collective imagination

giselly is a designer, researcher, futurist and artist born in the western mountain range of the Colombian Andes and currently based in New York.

With a background in design and advocacy, she brings an effervescent personality and a transdisciplinary mindset to both projects and teams. She believes in the power of collaboration over individualism, and practises care over competition in her search towards just futures, where relationships between people and land are medicine for each other.

Latest projects

Coca, Palabra-Mundo at the UN headquarters
Exhibition to question the colonial mistake made by the United Nations in 1961 when it classified coca as a narcotic.
Comedor de Quelites Mixtecos
Oral history and zine series project highlighting the stories of indigenous Mixtec women, sharing their connection to plants, migration, and resistance.
Curatorial research project that brings together transdisciplinary artists, Indigenous authorities, and scholars, who resignify coca as a plant of power, medicine, and food.
Las Yerbas Apothecary
Research residency space for collaborative learning and experimentation around plant-human relationships and artistic practices based on sacred plants.